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Philip Pape Philip Pape

The day I quit CrossFit

I used to be a CrossFit junkie. Yep, I was all about the WODs, the AMRAPs, and the box jumps. Even burpees, eek. I was convinced that the more I sweated, the better I was doing for my body. Yet somehow cause and effect wasn't working. I did CrossFit for 8+ years, 3-4 days a week, and the only thing that improved was my "conditioning." But then something happened that made me rethink everything.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

About that "broken" metabolism of yours...

Ever catch yourself thinking, "Why is it so easy for me to gain weight? My metabolism must be broken." You feel like you gain weight looking at a slice of pizza. 🍕🤣 It's a thought that can haunt you, especially when you're doing everything "right" but the scale just won't budge. Here's the thing: your metabolism isn't broken. Read more to find out why.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Is your low-carb diet holding you back from getting lean?

Have you ever felt that despite cutting carbs, you're still not seeing the fat loss or lean, muscular physique you're going for? You're not alone. Many believe that a low-carb diet is the golden ticket to fat loss and muscle gain. But what if I told you that this approach might be the exact OPPOSITE of what actually works.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Your food logging app is not helping you

Not all food logging apps are created equal. Not by a long shot.Many people dread the idea of food tracking. And honestly, I don't blame them. A lot of these apps are not only clunky and hard to use, but they're also not rooted in real body composition science. They often promote an all-or-nothing mindset, setting you up for failure before you even begin. But what if I told you there's an app that's different?

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

How Mia lost 15 lb and fixed her hormones with more carbs and fewer workouts

I've got a story for you today that might turn your world upside down. It's about Mia, a woman who turned the tables on conventional wisdom and found success in the most unexpected ways. Mia was like many of us. Busy job, family responsibilities, and a burning desire to look and feel her best. But despite her best efforts, the results just weren't showing. This is her story and how she turned everything around.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

The surprising truth about those long gym hours

Ever felt like you're living in the gym? Is your primary form of exercise one of these? CrossFit, Spin, Pelaton, Bootcamps, F45, Orange Theory, HIIT, High-rep strength training...you get the idea. You're clocking in those hours, sweating it out in high-intensity sessions, pushing through every rep, every sprint, every jump... and yet, the results seem to be playing hide and seek. I get it. It's frustrating. Sometimes, less is more. Let's break it down.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

The “optimal” diet for you

Ever found yourself scrolling through social media, and suddenly, you're bombarded with a ripped bodybuilder or lifter claiming that carb cycling, intermittent fasting, or some other intricate diet is the only way to achieve "optimal" results? It's easy to get overwhelmed, right? One day it's keto, the next it's carnivore, then it's high carb, low fat... The list goes on. And each time, there's a new "expert" proclaiming their method is the ultimate path to success. What does "optimal" even mean? Let's take a deep breath and break this down.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Ditch the “falling off the wagon” myth

Life isn't a straight track. It's a broad, winding path with ups, downs, and detours. And guess what? That's perfectly OK. The all-or-nothing mindset? It's a trap. A trap that makes you feel like a failure every time life throws up a roadblock. Which is honestly EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. if you're a busy, driven person. But let's debunk this myth right now. There's no "wagon" to fall off from. No "track" to get off.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Here's why you never gain any muscle

Ever felt stuck between trying to build muscle and lose fat? Yet still not gaining much (or any) muscle? Imagine this: You're pumped, ready to bulk, and see those gains. You start training and eating. Two months fly by. You look in the mirror, and doubt creeps in. "Am I gaining too much fat? Maybe I should stop." Sound familiar? Building muscle isn't a two-month gig. It's a commitment. If you short-change your bulking phase, you're missing out.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Why reverse dieting doesn’t work

Your metabolism is broken after years of dieting!

You need to "reverse diet" to "fix" your "damaged" metabolism and avoid gaining all that fat back! You'll be able to EAT MORE after you reverse diet! Ah, what to do! Have you heard these claims? In the fitness industry, an idea starts in one corner, and by the time it reaches us, it's been twisted, turned, and hyped up beyond recognition. Reverse dieting is one of those. Reverse dieting, the still-trendy post-diet strategy that never seems to die, promises to be the golden ticket to boosting metabolism and preventing weight regain. Well, the facts tell a different story…

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

"Looking like you lift" starts with lifting

Do you feel like you're putting in the work but not seeing the physique you want (and know is there)? Ever wondered what it takes to truly "look like you lift"? You're not alone, and there's a strategic approach to make your efforts count. It's not just about fat loss; it's about building muscle first and then using fat loss to reveal what you've built.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Can aggressive fat loss be safe and effective?

Ever wondered if the sprint could be as effective as the marathon when it comes to fat loss? There's often debate around whether slow and steady wins the race or if an aggressive approach could get you over the finish line faster. I've got some intriguing science to share with you. How does a mere 2-week fat loss phase sound? Not an uncontrolled crash diet but a scientifically-backed way to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks with little to no loss in muscle.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

The fastest way to get fitness results

Do you know there's an almost unseen thread that separates Thinking from Acting when it comes to achieving your fitness goals? You might be sitting there thinking, "That's pretty straightforward... I either think about it or act on it." Well, of course, but that's not the real game here. The essence lies in the subtlety. In the tiny, often overlooked details. So, pull up your deadlifting socks and prepare to dive deeper in this article.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

The truth about body fat overshooting (and what to do about it)

Body fat overshooting is a term used to describe the potential to regain fat in a greater amount than before a diet. It happens when you go from a period of prolonged calorie restriction to a period of calorie surplus, and your body decides to store more fat than usual as a protective mechanism. Why does it happen, and what can you do about it?

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Protein Quality, Timing, and Optimization for YOUR Personal Needs

We'll delve into the world of protein, a cornerstone of nutrition, to explore insights that go beyond the basics of quantity. Protein is essential for numerous functions in the body, including muscle growth and repair, the repair and maintenance of other tissues, hormone and enzyme production, immune system function, fluid and electrolyte balance, and even energy.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Staying on track with fitness when life throws you a curveball

Ever heard the phrase, "The only constant in life is change"? It's one of those sayings that rings true, especially when life serves up unexpected curveballs—be it an injury, a shift in work schedule, family changes, or even a global pandemic. The question is, "How do I keep up with my fitness and health goals when everything around me is in flux?"

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

How working out LESS can INCREASE your metabolism

Think fast: how do you fire up your metabolism? Is it endless runs on the treadmill, long days of pumping iron, or maybe some arcane dieting trick? Here's the shocking truth: there's a way to increase your metabolism that might actually involve LESS of what you're doing now. Yes, less!

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Body composition is about more than muscles and physique

Improving your body composition (by adding muscle through strength training and maintaining a health level of body fat through nutrition) has numerous benefits that go far beyond just looking good. In fact, by focusing on these OTHER benefits, it's even easier to enjoy the process of training and fueling your performance knowing that the end result is life-changing.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

The Unseen Value of Food Logging and Tracking (It’s Not for Everyone!)

Do you feel out of control with your food choices? Or like the week goes "perfectly" and then you lose control on the weekends? Have you ever asked yourself why it's so hard to make sense of your eating habits, even when you try to make the best choices? Have you ever tried logging and tracking your food, even for just a few days or weeks? You might be wondering, why would anyone want to log and track their food? Read the article to find out.

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Philip Pape Philip Pape

Why Squats, Fat Loss, and Other Hard Things Suck But We (Need To) Do Them Anyway

Why do we do hard things? Why do we put ourselves through demanding workouts, endure periods of calorie restriction, or take on challenging tasks that push us to our limits? Here's the truth: doing hard things is how we grow. But understanding the science of motivation can make these challenging tasks more bearable, and even enjoyable. Let's break it down.

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