The only "detox" you'll ever need (hint: it's 100% natural and 100% free)

Detoxes and cleanses.

You've seen them everywhere, right? 

On social media, in health stores, and maybe even in your friend's kitchen. 

They promise a quick fix, a clean slate for your body. 

But they're not what they seem.

Your body is already a detoxifying powerhouse. 

Your liver and kidneys are constantly at work, filtering out the bad stuff. 

They don't need the help of a $50 juice cleanse to do their job.

So why are detoxes so popular?

Influencers, marketers, and companies have found a way to prey on our insecurities and desire for quick results. 

They promise a cleaner, healthier you, but what they don't tell you is that there's zero scientific evidence to back up these claims.

Ever wonder what these so-called "toxins" are? 

Most people shilling this stuff can't give you a straight answer. 

That's because the term is often a scare tactic, designed to make you feel like you need to cleanse your system.

In reality, detoxes can do more harm than good. 

They can mess with your metabolism and blood sugar (due to severe calorie restriction), disrupt your gut health and digestion, and even lead to nutrient deficiencies. 

Downing a concoction of lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup isn't going to "reset" anything, except maybe your mood (and not in a good way).

Worst of all, they mess with your relationship with food, just like any other rigid diet that claims to know "exactly what you should do."

Sure, you might lose a few pounds, but it's mostly water weight, like any other method of severe short-term calorie restriction.

It's just another quick fix.

It moves the scale in the short-term and is unsustainable for the long term.

And honestly do you WANT to rely on special concoctions of liquid to get the results you want, while starving yourself in the process?

Even if the cleanse is a relatively benign mixture of protein and other ingredients (like any smoothie or shake), the fact you're being asked to drink THAT AND ONLY THAT instead of real food is a red flag.

How about focusing on flexible diet that serves your goals AND fits your lifestyle, quality sleep, and consistent training?

These are the building blocks of health. 

Not a fancy juice cleanse that leaves you feeling drained and deprived.

If you're looking for a real "reset," let's talk about sustainable habits. 

  • Eating enough calories and protein for your energy and muscle-building needs (from whatever foods make sense for you)

  • Training hard and consistently with workouts you enjoy (but are also effective)

  • Managing sleep and stress to maximize energy and recovery

These are the changes that will benefit you in the long run, not just for a week (and without any gnarly side effects).

You'll actually be able to improve your body composition and health, getting stronger and leaner in the process, and improving your sleep, mood, energy, digestion, and every other marker of good health.

That's pretty much it.

No detoxes or cleanses required, as your body will take care of that for you.

I'd love to hear your experience with these "miracle" elixirs.

Join my email list HERE to get in touch.

Philip Pape

Hi there! I'm Philip, founder of Wits & Weights. I started and my podcast, Wits & Weights: Strength Training for Skeptics, to help busy professionals who want to get strong and lean with strength training and sustainable diet.

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