The dark side of perfectionism

Are you a perfectionist?

I know, I know. You just want things to be perfect before you take action. 

You figure if you map it all out and get all the details right, you'll be set up for success.

Here's the problem though - perfectionism is actually what's holding you back.

Let me explain...

You get an idea or set a goal. Then you painstakingly plan every minor detail, unwilling to move forward until you have the perfect strategy.

But perfect planning doesn't equal perfect action. 

All that time spent obsessing over the details is time NOT spent taking steps forward.

And even once you do start...the second something feels less than ideal, you get discouraged and stop.

Because it's not perfect.

Do you see how this cycle of perfectionism leads absolutely nowhere?

Trying to control every variable is impossible. Things will not always go according to plan.

YOU will not always be perfect.

And if you wait to start until everything is perfect, you'll be waiting forever.

The truth is, action is always better than perfection.

So here's what I want you to do instead...

Focus on progress over perfection.

Take that big, audacious goal and break it down into tiny, imperfect actions.

Give yourself permission to start small. To start slowly. To start messily.

Commit to taking one imperfect action today. Then another tomorrow.

Over time, those tiny steps will build momentum that no amount of perfect planning could ever match.

I get that you want the perfect diet plan, the perfect workout routine, the perfect strategy. I get it.

But remember, progress over perfection.

For example, let's break down your goal of losing 20 pounds of fat.

Don't try to plan every meal and workout for the next 3 months or even the next 2 weeks. That's a surefire path to getting overwhelmed and discouraged.

Instead, start with small actions today.

Add protein to your meal.

Go for a 20 minute walk.

Do a strength training workout.

Tomorrow, try something new but keep doing what you did today.

Look up a healthy new recipe. Plan your next workout session. Add 5 minutes to your work.

Tiny steps forward each day will lead to huge progress over time.

Some days, your diet might not be perfect. In fact, it never will be.

That's OK! Keep taking small, imperfect actions.

The key is consistency. Show up day after day, even when it's not perfect.

That's what will get you the lasting results your perfectionism never could.

Progress might not be perfect or predictable. But it WILL happen. I promise.

You don't need the perfect plan. You just need to start. Right now.

Your dreams are waiting...will you?

Philip Pape

Hi there! I'm Philip, founder of Wits & Weights. I started and my podcast, Wits & Weights: Strength Training for Skeptics, to help busy professionals who want to get strong and lean with strength training and sustainable diet.

Constantly dieting is getting you nowhere


Tony lost 15 lbs and 8% body fat in 6 weeks